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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

¬ Bru
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-23, 08:22

Italian is a very difficult language, I know it ç___ç We have thousand of form for thousand of words xDDD If you don't understand everything at all at first strike, it's understandable =D

As said in the other topic, Italian Language has some articles for female words and others for male words. The same thing happens with plural/singular words.

The first article is the determinative article (english: the), the second one is the undeterminative article (english: a/an).


Il, Lo
Un, Uno


Gli, I

Few notes:
1. The female singular undeterminative article "una" loses the final "a" when it preceeds a female word starting with a vowel;
2. The male determinative articles, both singular and plural, have two forms. The first ones are used when they preceed a male word starting with consonant. The second ones when they preceed a word starting with vowel, but it loses the final vowel (lo orgoglio becomes l'orgoglio = the pride).
3. The female determinative article "la" loses its final vowel when it preceeds a word starting with vowel (la alba becomes l'alba = the dawn).

Last edited by Maruko on 2010-12-23, 10:27; edited 2 times in total
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by ¬ Bru 2010-12-23, 09:34

There is a rule which you you forgot to say in the note 1:
we must use the apostrophe in only female undeterminative article (Ex: un'auto = a car).
And also:
if the determinative articles la, lo preceeds a word starting with a vowel we must replacing the vowel with an apostrophe (Ex: l'aurora = the dawn; l'orgoglio = the pride).
Rarely the apostrophe is used also with gli.
You're right italian is very difficult beat-brick

P.s. this subject is too hard..
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-23, 10:18

Oh, you're right xD Thanks for your correction, I'm not in the habit of teach my own mother tounge, sorry ><
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by phio_chan 2010-12-24, 03:01

Right, it's confusing. @___@
It's never easy to teach your mother tongue because you learn it naturally and in different way a person learn a foreign language. I will be confused of what to teach if you ask me to teach you Indonesian. It's understandable, so it's okay. ;)

So, um, what if you give us some kind of exercise? To see if we really understand the problem...? go
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-24, 03:26

At this point I think it's too early to give you some exercise... firts you have to learn a bit of lexicon. In fact, right now, none of you is able to understand if a word is famale, male, singular or plural...
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 a thank-you gift from me - phio69 have fun, my dear contributor! - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Maruko For the wonderful voices and melodies :) - -ALT- Just awesome. XD - phio69 Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by ¬ Bru 2010-12-24, 07:23

Maruko, what about this idea?
We can write some words with the article and it can be a way to see if this word is male or female, singolar or plural.
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 Happy new year! - Artesox Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin Because you are my friend! - phio69

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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-24, 07:34

Yeah ok, let's do this way! ^^
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 a thank-you gift from me - phio69 have fun, my dear contributor! - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Maruko For the wonderful voices and melodies :) - -ALT- Just awesome. XD - phio69 Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Artesox 2010-12-24, 11:20

It is very easy to me : D
My language have it to.

hahaha,take that English speaker...That is for confusing people with phases like "The mayor of that city".... is it a woman?a man?

Anyway.Gez,I think that I will end learning the basic of Italian 8D
(Also,my country have at least on Soap Opera about Italy in a year,so I get some words while my mother is watching it,but most of them are unfriendly words D: )
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin For our very own talented writer ;) Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03 For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 For awesomeness! - phio_chan

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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-24, 11:30

Here we go! Try and put the articles on these words... humm... don't worry if you don't know what to put, and don't worry if you put it wrong, it's absolutely natural =D Oh... put both determinative and undeterminative article, please ^^ I'll put for you the english translation along with the italian word, but this is only for the first times, once you'll learn more lexicon I'll give you only the Italian words!

Casa (home)
Città (city)
Sindaco (mayor)
Mano (hand)
Forum (forum)
Pagina (page)
Cantante (singer)
Voce (voice)
Canzone (song)
Libro (book)
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by phio_chan 2010-12-24, 16:05

When I learned German a year ago, the words are divided into female and male words as well... But I've forgotten all of them, haha~

Okay, here I go~

1. La/Una casa
2. Il/Un città
3. Il/Un sindaco
4. La/Una mano
5. Il/Un forum
6. Il/Un pagina
7. La/Una cantante
8. Il/Un voce
9. La/Una canzone
10. Il/Un libro

It seems like all the words are singular, but I could be wrong, haha~
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-25, 00:20

Let's wait for other users, then I'll post the right answers! *A*
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 a thank-you gift from me - phio69 have fun, my dear contributor! - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Maruko For the wonderful voices and melodies :) - -ALT- Just awesome. XD - phio69 Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Artesox 2010-12-25, 00:36

Sry it is I'm a bit late :P

La/Una Casa
La/Una Città
il/Un Sindaco
La/Una Mano
il/un Forum
La/una Pagina
il/un Cantante
la/una Voce
la/una Canzone
il/un Libro

I used the default male/female word of my language,I don't know if some of them change in Italian ...

Anyway,there is something that I want to ask,about the word Cantante,it is the same for both male/female singer,right? It would be corret if we use la/una cantante?The question is the same for Sindaco too

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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin For our very own talented writer ;) Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03 For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 For awesomeness! - phio_chan

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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-25, 01:51

Cantante is both female and male ^^

Sindaco is a male word, and It actually exist the female word "Sindachessa", however it isn't very used. Thus, we use sindaco both for female and male people ^^
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 a thank-you gift from me - phio69 have fun, my dear contributor! - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Maruko For the wonderful voices and melodies :) - -ALT- Just awesome. XD - phio69 Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by phio_chan 2010-12-25, 14:44

Ahh, I see.
Let's wait for some more entries, if anybody else is interested, then we'll hear the explanation! big smile
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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-28, 03:40

Anyone? XD
Well.... Artesox made it all right! Good job!
These are the right answers~

La/Una Casa
La/Una Città
il/Un Sindaco
La/Una Mano
il/un Forum
La/una Pagina
il/un Cantante
la/una Voce
la/una Canzone
il/un Libro
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 a thank-you gift from me - phio69 have fun, my dear contributor! - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Maruko For the wonderful voices and melodies :) - -ALT- Just awesome. XD - phio69 Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Artesox 2010-12-28, 06:36

Maruko wrote:Anyone? XD
Well.... Artesox made it all right! Good job!
These are the right answers~

La/Una Casa
La/Una Città
il/Un Sindaco
La/Una Mano
il/un Forum
La/una Pagina
il/un Cantante
la/una Voce
la/una Canzone
il/un Libro

Finally some questions that I answer correctly XD
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin For our very own talented writer ;) Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03 For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 For awesomeness! - phio_chan

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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by phio_chan 2010-12-28, 19:18

Four mistakes on my part~ >__<

Anyway, is there any way for us to recognize the attribute of a noun, male or female? Or is it something we should remember by ourselves, similar to German?
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Thank You for being such a great friend to me. - Marvin For you being you. - Marvin For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin For the creator of the wonderful ASH :) - -ALT- Hope things will be better with the power of crystal :D - -ALT- For our beloved admin! - Nonomino So a chronicle of our friendship always exists! - Ellie_T May this armor protect you from all harm~ - Ellie_T You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You&#39;re totally the greatest admin ever!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki I hope you will like it! - hikaru miaka You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03 For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 Thank you very much ^.^ - svetyalana Thank you for all your hard work, Admin-sama! - Ellie_T We&#39;re the cutest Mafia ever!! - svetyalana pick your poison, my dear friend. XD - yukihime03 I would have never reached Gold Rank without you guys. Thanks. :) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by Maruko 2010-12-29, 00:33

Some words are "false friends", maybe they seem male and they're actually female, and vice versa.

However a way to recognize them exists!

Male words almost always end with "o", and female with "a" (Singular)
Male words almost always end with "i", and female with "e" (Pular)

However as I said, there are some exceptions.
Starting from the next lesson, I will always post some words for you lexicon, and you have to memorize them.
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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 a thank-you gift from me - phio69 have fun, my dear contributor! - phio69 For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Maruko For the wonderful voices and melodies :) - -ALT- Just awesome. XD - phio69 Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by phio_chan 2010-12-29, 22:44

I see. Thank you for explaining! big smile
Yay, I wonder what the next lesson will be about, hehe~
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Thank You for being such a great friend to me. - Marvin For you being you. - Marvin For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin For the creator of the wonderful ASH :) - -ALT- Hope things will be better with the power of crystal :D - -ALT- For our beloved admin! - Nonomino So a chronicle of our friendship always exists! - Ellie_T May this armor protect you from all harm~ - Ellie_T You&#39;re so awesome!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki You&#39;re totally the greatest admin ever!!! &lt;3 - Kyoki I hope you will like it! - hikaru miaka You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03 For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 Thank you very much ^.^ - svetyalana Thank you for all your hard work, Admin-sama! - Ellie_T We&#39;re the cutest Mafia ever!! - svetyalana pick your poison, my dear friend. XD - yukihime03 I would have never reached Gold Rank without you guys. Thanks. :) - kazaki03


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by kazaki03 2010-12-31, 01:42

Thanks for the awesome lesson! Now I can at least distinguish male and female words in Italian (at least the basic way)! =)
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welcome to ASH! ^^ - phio69 thank you. so much. - phio69 Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin Pursue your dreams, you have my support! :) - -ALT- Yay for being a Gold Member!~ - Nonomino For awesomeness! - phio_chan arigatou na. here&#39;s a moon for u. ^-^ - yukihime03 You&#39;re so sweet~! - Ellie_T For our dear Hymmnos singer! Thank you for your lovely songs~ - Ellie_T Grats! You have over 1000 posts! :D - Kyoki


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2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles Empty Re: 2nd Lesson: Female/Male Articles

Post by lunarvesperia 2011-05-20, 06:35

Buon lavoro Maruko excited so nice you are teaching everyone ^_^
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So you may be as awesome as a dragon. - phio_chan A cake to welcome you! - phio_chan


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