A Singing Harmony
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So, what's new?

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So, what's new? Empty So, what's new?

Post by Nonomino 2013-03-12, 22:52

Hi guys, it's been a while! Hope you're doing great. I am really happy to be back.
So now I want you to share with us the important things that happened in your life since last year and celebrate! smile

I finally started to learn the harp! I remember I told you I wanted to learn this instrument so, so badly.
And I'm not single anymore, I have a boyfriend. I couldn't ask for a sweetest person.

What about you guys?

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for being a member at ASH ^^ - phio69 Happy new year! - Artesox Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin Hooray for Aria Lovers! XD Because you're a talented designer! - phio69 For being as sweet as chocolate! Thank you for everything. - phio69 So a chronicle of our friendship always exists! - Ellie_T May this armor protect you from all harm~ - Ellie_T You're so awesome!!! <3 - Kyoki For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 Thank you very much ^.^ - svetyalana for our sweet Serial Killer *O* - svetyalana


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So, what's new? Empty Re: So, what's new?

Post by phio_chan 2013-03-12, 22:58

Nono-chan! Hi again! sweet kiss

I think I remember you said that you wanted to learn playing the harp. Congrats for that, and for getting a bf too! Hoho~ Is harp hard to learn? XD

I'm not sure of big things happening to me in the past year. LOL.
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Thank You for being such a great friend to me. - Marvin For you being you. - Marvin For being fans of Akiko Shikata like me~ - Wasabi Happy 2011~! - Wasabi Happy Holidays Guys! - Marvin For the creator of the wonderful ASH :) - -ALT- Hope things will be better with the power of crystal :D - -ALT- For our beloved admin! - Nonomino So a chronicle of our friendship always exists! - Ellie_T May this armor protect you from all harm~ - Ellie_T You're so awesome!!! <3 - Kyoki You're totally the greatest admin ever!!! <3 - Kyoki I hope you will like it! - hikaru miaka You guys are awesome. :D - kazaki03 Thank you for being awesome Shikata friends. =) - kazaki03 For following me on Twitter. =) - kazaki03 Thank you very much ^.^ - svetyalana Thank you for all your hard work, Admin-sama! - Ellie_T We're the cutest Mafia ever!! - svetyalana pick your poison, my dear friend. XD - yukihime03 I would have never reached Gold Rank without you guys. Thanks. :) - kazaki03


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So, what's new? Empty Re: So, what's new?

Post by Cielo Afezeria 2013-03-31, 15:57

i'm new here but not a junior in akiko shikata's fan club pantalea on facebook and i only wanna say hello and nice meeting you oh both the fellow on the top huhuhu...
nothing renewed been going on in this pheasant's life and i can pretty much said i ain't satisfied with what i'm having right now...but nonetheless i will make a hard route to transformation.
Cielo Afezeria
Cielo Afezeria
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